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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Roasted Beef with Chimicurri Dressing

Roasted Beef
with Chimicurri Dressing

Recipes update will make Roasted Beef with Chimicurri Dressing. Roast Beef is always a special dish at parties and family gathering. To makes it was not difficult. Simple seasoning and most importantly how to bake and presents most properly. Let’s try to make Roasted Beef with Chimicurri Dressing.

Roasted Beef with Chimicurri Dressing

Roasted Beef with Chimicurri Dressing Ingredients :
-         1 piece of sirloin black angus beef
-         rock salt
-         black pepper, crushed
-         mustard paste
-         chimicurri sauce
-         100 g virgin olive oil
-         30 g chopped parsley
-         50 g onion, chopped
-         8 g garlic, chopped
-         2 g mixed herbs / dried oregano
-         2 g red pepper, chopped
-         salt
-         black pepper, crushed

How to make Roasted Beef with Chimicurri Dressing :
-         Chimicurri sauce : Stir all ingredients together
-         Leave it for a few moments
-         Rub all sides of meat pieces with salt, mustard and black pepper
-     Heat a pan over medium heat, put a little olive oilCook the beef pieces on all sides until slightly dry. The goal is that the meat juices do not come out when baked
-         Put on a baking sheet, with the fat side up
-         Bake in combi oven at 160 C and 55 degrees core temperature until the meat surface dry (duration depending on size of meat)
-         Lift the meat and let stand for 5-10 minutes
-         Slice crosswise fibers.
-         Serve with Chimicurri sauce

That's how to make Roasted Beef with Chimicurri Dressing

Good luck J

Roasted Beef with Chimicurri Dressing Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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